Cube Root of Numbers Calculator

In mathematics, a cube root of a number x is a number y such that y3 = x. In simpler terms, the cube root of a number is the product of the number being multiplied by itself three times. Therefore, the cube root of a number is three times the original value.

In other words, a cube root can be referred to as a number that produces a whole number when it is raised to the power of 3. Let’s take the example of the number 27. 27 is the cube root of the number 3-

33= 3 × 3 × 3 = 27

The concept of cube root comes in handy when you have to calculate the volume of a three-dimensional object. The symbol of the cube root is the radical symbol- ∛. This is the same symbol used to denote square root.

A number placed alongside the symbol is known as either radical or radical terms. The number which appears on the outside and slightly above the radical is known as the index and it determines how many times the number you have to multiply the number by itself. Let us once again look back at the example of the number 27-

Any number that is placed alongside the symbol are called radical terms, or radicals.

∛27 = 3

We know that the result of a cube root can be any real number- including positive and negative integers, and even zero. However, in square root, the result can neither be a negative integer nor zero.

Cube Root Calculator

Find the cube root of any number with this easy online calculator.

Find the cube root of a number with a click of a button. Enter the whole number in the respective number in the first box, then click ‘Calculate’ to get the answer.

Enter your number in box A below and click "Calculate" to work out the cube root of the given number.

Perfect Cube Numbers

A perfect cube of a number is a number that is obtained by multiplying the same integer three times. The knowledge and understanding of cube root come in very handy in mathematics as it is applied to ascertain the volume of three-dimensional objects, which is useful in architecture, designing, engineering, and even cooking. For example, if we have a cube box in front of us with a side of 4m, we can ascertain its volume by finding its cube root which is 64.

Practice Cube Roots

Get a better grasp on the concept of cube roots by calculating the cube roots of different numbers. Check out our list of randomly generated cube root calculations on the right-hand side of the page to get a better understanding of how to find cube roots.

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