Percentage Calculator

In mathematics, a percentage is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100. In this percentage calculator tool, the users have to pick one of the three equations below, enter the values, and then let the calculator do its magic.

what is

% of

is what % of

What is the % change from


There are many online calculators on the market. Therefore, many of you must be wondering what makes our online percentage calculator so special. Our online percentage calculator has tried to make the process of calculating easier for the users.

In this calculator, teachers, students, and parents can work out the percentage of two numbers without having to whip out a pen and paper. Plus, other than just providing the answer, this tool also explains the math behind the calculation. Visual learners can rejoice as they can learn how to calculate their own percentages manually with the help of our step-by-step guide.

Note: To view the explanation of your problem, click the icon next to your answer which will redirect you to the explanation. On this page, the user can access the explanation of the problem and learn the steps to understand percentages.

Example Percentage Problems

If you have the time and want to learn more about calculating percentages, you can browse the following example problems to get a deeper understanding of the math behind them.

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