Square Root of 841

What is the square root of 841? In this article, we will explain how to calculate the square root of 841 and explore some common square root-related questions such as is the square root of 841 a perfect square, is the square root of 841 a rational or irrational number, or can the square root of 841 be simplified?

Definition of Square Root

The square root of a number is a value which on multiplication by itself, gives the original number. In simpler terms, the square root of any number is equal to a number, which when squared gives the original number. There are several methods of finding the square roots-

  • Square root by prime factorization
  • Square root by repeated subtraction method
  • Square root by long division method
  • Square root by estimation method

When it comes to expressing the square root of 2, it can be expressed as –

√841 = q × q = q2

Is the square root of 841 a perfect square?

A perfect square refers to a number whose square root is a whole number. When it comes to the square root of 841, we know that the answer is an . Therefore, the square root of 841 is a

Is the square root of 841 a rational or irrational number?

The square root of 2 is an irrational number. It can be expressed to up to 1 trillion decimal places. For instance, the value of √2 up to 25 decimal places is 1.4142135623730950488016997.

A quick way to check this is to see if 841 is a perfect square. If it is, then it is a rational number. If it's not a perfect square then it's an irrational number.

We already know if 841 is a perfect square so we also can see that √841 is an irrational number.

Can the Square Root of 841 Be Simplified?

841 can be simplified only if you can make 841 inside the radical symbol smaller. This is a process that is called simplifying the surd. In this example square root of 841

√841 =

How to Calculate The Square Root of 841 with a Calculator

If you don’t want to calculate the square root of 841 with long division, we can use a calculator instead. To find the square root of 841 in a calculator is relatively simple, all you have to do is pick the radical or square root function, type 841, and hit enter. You’ll get the following result in the calculator-

√841 ≈

How to Calculate the Square Root of 841 with a Computer

Computers tend to have a stronger computing capacity than calculators. Therefore, it can give us a better representation of the square root of 841 which is √841≈

The square root of 841 written as an exponent

The square root of 841 is expressed as √841 in the radical form and as √b = b ½ or √841 = 841 ½ in the exponent form.

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